What We Do

The Temple Gwathmey Steeplechase Foundation:  Funding Opportunity, Growth & Change

The National Steeplechase Foundation (NSF) was created in 1995 with the objective of preserving steeplechase horse racing in the United States. Its areas of focus are safety, education, amateur participation and the overall promotion of steeplechasing.

In 2018, the National Steeplechase Foundation merged with the Temple Gwathmey Fund, forming the Temple Gwathmey Steeplechase Foundation (TGSF).

For more than 200 years, American jump racing has been about people’s experiences. Owners’ dreams, spectators’ interest, trainers’ knowledge, organizers and officials’ vision, and jockeys’ skills have continually intersected to create possibilities.

The mission of the TGSF has long been to preserve and advance the sport through programs that promote Opportunity, Growth & Change.


We fund GROWTH:

We fund CHANGE:

  • Funding safety initiatives, including studies for improved National Fences and timber fences

  • In 2020, TGSF purchased a full set of new EASYFIX Fences for the National Steeplechase Association, significantly increasing the safety of the fence for both horse and rider.


The future depends on your foresight and generosity so that the TGSF can create new opportunities that will advance American jump racing long past this era.