*** WooCommerce Shipping Changelog *** = 1.1.5 - 2024-10-02 = * Fix - A single order being shipped within the same country and internationally could cause confusion with the customs form. * Fix - Changing a shipment's origin or destination address was not being reflected correctly throughout the entire UI. * Fix - Total shipment weight exceeding 1k caused the total weight field to be blank. * Fix - Moving shipment items to another shipment can cause the app to crash under certain conditions. * Fix - Shipping labels now hide the origin name when the origin address includes a company name. * Dev - New `wcshipping_include_email_tracking_info` filter so 3rd party plugins can enable/disable tracking info in emails. = 1.1.4 - 2024-09-25 = * Fix - Selectively migrate WooCommerce Shipping & Tax packages if WCShipping created its own new settings. * Fix - Don't remove non-compact options prefixed with "wc_connect_" on uninstallation. * Add - Automate address verification for shipping address on the purchase screen. * Add - Improve the purchase status header during the purchase process * Tweak - Improve timestamp handling on plugin status page. * Fix - Don't remove non-compact options prefixed with "wc_connect_" on uninstallation. * Fix - Focusing in the custom package form doesn't deactivate the "Get rates button" button. * Fix - Ensure custom items stay in sync with the shipment items. * Fix - Surface payment errors to the user. * Fix - Remember dismissal of migration banners * Fix - Customs form's weight to represent the total weight instead of individual line item weight. = 1.1.3 - 2024-09-18 = * Add - Remember last order complete checkbox state for next label purchase. * Add - Automatically fetch rates on label purchase modal load when all conditions are met for fetching rates. * Add - Load the settings data from DB. * Fix - Ensure tracking numbers link to the correct carrier tracking url when using the Shipment Tracking extension. * Fix - Customs form's value to represent the total value instead of individual line item value. * Fix - Hide virtual products in the shipping label modal. * Tweak - Improve error handling when purchasing shipping labels. * Dev - Ensure all API endpoints are loaded using the correct hook. = 1.1.2 - 2024-09-13 = * Add - Functionality to delete saved packages and remove starred carrier packages. * Add - Added a package weight field to the save template form. * Tweak - Store the name of the package that was used for a shipping label as part of the shipping label metadata. * Tweak - Support product customs data created by WooCommerce Shipping & Tax when purchasing new shipping labels. * Fix - Improve responsive behaviour of the "Shipping Label" meta box on order edit pages. * Fix - Nested items in the split shipment modal was missing dimension units. * Fix - Hide WooCommerce Shipping & Tax migration banners if there are no previous history. * Fix - Update the background order form when using the "Mark order as completed" option. * Fix - Hide "Mark as complete" option on already completed orders. = 1.1.1 - 2024-09-06 = * Fix - Get rates button doesn't get active after correcting customs information. * Fix - Accessing products from old labels when migrating shipments causes the process to stall. * Fix - Hide WooCommerce Shipping & Tax migration banners if there are no previous history. = 1.1.0 - 2024-09-03 = * Add - Support for migrating WooCommerce Shipping & Tax labels and settings. * Add - Tooltip to explain disabled delete button on default origin address. * Add - Necessary endpoints to load the plugin dynamically in WooCommerce. * Add - Allow the WooCommerce mobile app to access API. * Tweak - Move shipment tracking metabox to upper position. * Fix - Browser always ask to exit the settings screen after settings has been saved. * Fix - Force shipments with a purchased label to be locked. * Fix - Loading plugin version in Loader class. = 1.0.5 - 2024-08-21 = * Add - Show error in Onboarding Connection component. * Fix - Conflict with Jetpack connection class. * Tweak - Change to sender checkbox text on the customs form. * Tweak - Added new "source" parameter to the /wpcom-connection endpoint. = 1.0.4 - 2024-08-13 = * Add - New Connect component on the shipping settings page. * Add - Upload sourcemaps to sentry. * Add - Hook into WPCOM Connection dependency list to communicate we share logic with e.g. WooCommerce. * Tweak - Make composer package versions specific. * Tweak - Show confirmation banner after accepting Terms of Service. * Tweak - Hide connect banners if store currency is not supported by WooCommerce Shipping. * Tweak - Hide connect banners on the WooCommerce Shipping settings page. = 1.0.3 - 2024-08-02 = * Fix - Error accessing the continents API endpoint. = 1.0.2 - 2024-07-30 = * Tweak - WordPress 6.6 Compatibility. * Add - Display the NUX banner on HPOS Order pages. = 1.0.1 - 2024-06-24 = * Tweak - Adhering to the plugin review standards. = 1.0.0 - 2024-04-18 = * Initial release. = 0.9.0 - 2024-03-20 = * Beta release.