*** Checkout Field Editor Changelog *** 2017-05-08 - version 1.5.5 * Fix - Additional updates for WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility. 2017-04-03 - version 1.5.4 * Fix - Update for WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility. 2017-02-22 - version 1.5.3 * Misc - Only include custom field types when using a custom Customer / Order CSV Export order export format 2017-01-06 - version 1.5.2 * Fix - Remove option/placeholder field for checkbox as it is not needed. * Fix - Ensure field data is added to order XML exports. * Fix - Custom fields not showing up in PIP invoice. * Misc - Improves support with Customer / Order XML Export version 2.0+. 2016-08-29 - version 1.5.1 * Tweak - Add support for Print Invoices Packing Lists. * Tweak - Add custom fields to the admin order screen. * Fix - Improves compatibility with Customer / Order CSV Export 4.0+ (account for custom formats). * Fix - Don't hide Additional Information header if comments disabled and more than one additional fields. * Fix - Validate required checkbox field. 2016-08-12 - version 1.5.0 * Fix - Stripslashes before we sanitize to prevent escaping over and over. * Fix - Remove additional information header when order comments are disabled. * Fix - Improves compatibility with Customer / Order CSV Export 4.0+. * Fix - Update main plugin's file to match plugin's slug. * Fix - Update domain's slug to match plugin's slug. * Tweak - Added Japanese translation. * Tweak - Added Portuguese (Brazil) translation. * Tweak - Added Italian translation. * Tweak - Added German translation. 2015-12-03 - version 1.4.10 * Fix - Label inputs have been made larger to make it easier to enter labels for all your fields. 2015-11-09 - version 1.4.9 * Add - Public method for getting all checkout fields for better extensibility. 2015-11-03 - version 1.4.8 * Fix - Unexpected token error in checkout when a required field is added to shipping tab. 2015-10-07 - version 1.4.7 * Fix - Add jQuery tiptip as a dependency when script loads to prevent edge case it does not load. 2015-09-29 - version 1.4.6 * Feature - Add support for Customer/Order XML Export Suite 2015-08-16 - version 1.4.5 * Fix - Field saving 2015-08-05 - version 1.4.4 * Fix - Checkbox field validation value is not displaying after saving 2015-07-20 - version 1.4.3 * Fix - Undefined shiptobilling posted item causing notice in WC 2.4 * Fix - Undefined custom posted item causing notice in WC 2.4 2015-05-18 - version 1.4.2 * Fix - Additional fields order notes not ordered correctly 2015-04-21 - version 1.4.1 * Fix - Potential XSS with add_query_arg/remove_query_arg. * Fix - Removed chosen to prevent conflicts. * Fix - Additonal fields error. 2015-04-13 - version 1.4.0 * Add - option to enable/disable order comments in additional fields 2015-04-04 - version 1.3.1 * Fix - Deprecated add error function * Fix - Undefined placeholder notices * Tweak - Prevent double validating an email field 2015-03-03 - version 1.3.0 * Fix - Allow blank placeholder value for selects. Requires WC 2.3.6 * Tweak - Datepicker, show -100, +1 years. * Tweak - Prevent editing of locale-defined field labels and placeholders. Translations should be used instead. 2015-01-29 - version 1.2.11 * Fix - Backwards compatibility 2015-01-28 - version 1.2.10 * Fix - WC 2.3 support 2015-01-27 - version 1.2.9 * New - WC 2.3 compatibility (chosen -> select2) 2014-12-31 - version 1.2.8 * Include custom fields in CSV export to email 2014-11-28 - version 1.2.7 * Enqueue woocommerce_chosen_styles 2014-11-14 - version 1.2.6 * Fix custom field display in sent emails. 2014-10-10 - version 1.2.5 * Add support for Customer/Order CSV Export 2014-07-10 - version 1.2.4 * Add chosen to all fields 2014-06-02 - version 1.2.3 * Keep postcode field properties so it works when not required. 2014-05-07 - version 1.2.2 * Fix display options 2014-04-22 - version 1.2.1 * Fix display of validation rules 2014-04-22 - version 1.2.0 * Fix display_options saving 2014-04-17 - version 1.1.9 * Fix wc_display_custom_fields_view_order to prevent listing data multiple times 2014-03-28 - version 1.1.8 * Add option to display fields in emails or on order detail pages 2014-02-07 - version 1.1.7 * Datepicker change month/year 2014-02-07 - version 1.1.6 * Made "Select some options" translatable 2014-01-20 - version 1.1.5 * 2.1 compat 2013-10-31 - version 1.1.4 * Check new name to prevent dupe rows * Prevent using reserved names 2013-10-21 - version 1.1.3 * Fix for foreign characters in name field 2013-10-21 - version 1.1.2 * Fix initial 'checked' status of radio inputs 2013-09-27 - version 1.1.1 * Fix JS error 2013-09-23 - version 1.1.0 * Add 'heading' field type 2013-08-01 - version 1.0.6 * Fix to allow state fields to be disabled. 2013-07-22 - version 1.0.5 * Fix to prevent state always being required. 2013-06-17 - version 1.0.4 * Use date_format from WP 2013-05-23 - version 1.0.3 * Multiselect - send value, not key * Selects - Make key = value 2013-05-16 - version 1.0.2 * Fix screen id when translated * stripslashes on labels * Allow html in labels 2013-05-07 - version 1.0.1 * Sanitize option names fully * Fix radio input validation 2013-03-01 - version 1.0.0 * First Release