=== Accessibility by UserWay === Contributors: userwayorg Tags: ada, wcag, EAA compliance, section 508, accessibility Requires at least: 4.7 Tested up to: 6.5.3 Stable tag: 2.5.3 UserWay’s Accessibility Widget creates a simpler and more accessible browsing experience for your users. == Description == Web accessibility can seem complex and overwhelming if you don’t know where to start. Let us make it easier, and, to coin a phrase, more accessible for everyone. UserWay’s Accessibility Widget creates a simpler and more accessible browsing experience for your users while increasing compliance with WCAG 2.1, ATAG 2.0, European EN 301 549, ADA, & Section 508 requirements. UserWay’s Accessibility Widget will strengthen any weak areas that could cause accessibility issues on your site. We are proud to say that a significant number of websites are more accessible today thanks to UserWay. UserWay’s Accessibility Widget makes smart modifications to elements on your site that are identified as being non-compliant, that may prevent keyboard-only navigation, or are in violation of ADA regulations. Install UserWay’s Accessibility Widget today. After installing UserWay’s Accessibility Widget, you will receive login instructions to the widget via email. **ADA & WCAG 2.1 Compliance** UserWay’s best-in-class accessibility solutions move your site towards ADA and WCAG 2.1 compliance. **Shield Against Lawsuits** Increasing your accessibility provides real, sustainable improvement for all users, and protects you from accessibility-related lawsuits. **Improve SEO, Boost Traffic** Make your commitment clear: a more inclusive site for everyone expands your demographic and boosts your SEO. == Installation == 1. Install the plugin into your WordPress project 2. Go to website control panel 3. Go to the "plugins" webpage 4. Activate the plugin "UserWay Accessibility Widget" 5. Sign-up plug-in on Settings-> UserWay page For more details please visit [https://userway.org/wp](https://userway.org/wp) == Screenshots == 1. Plugin Check 2. Plugin page on the site. = 1.1 = Fixed loading of styles for the plugin = 1.2.1 = Fixed display of errors in plugin settings = 1.2 = = 2.0 = Optimized format of embed script = 2.1 = Update configuration flow = 2.2 = fix register_rest_route issue = 2.3.0 = add debug endpoint = 2.3.1 = fix activation/deactivation flow = 2.3.3 = fix remove debug sensitive data = 2.3.4 = fix enable widget endpoint = 2.3.8 = fix change Iframe Widget Url = 2.4.1 = fix debug rest endpoint permission_callback function = 2.4.2 = fix blog url in AJAX requests = 2.4.3 = update assets = 2.4.4 = update screenshot images = 2.4.5 = update screenshot images = 2.4.8 = change endpoint to non permalinks = 2.4.9 = change Admin menu location and icon = 2.5.0 = improve README file = 2.5.1 = Implementation of Compliant Admin Notice = 2.5.2 = Admin banner CTA button event added = 2.5.3 = 2.5.3 tag added, api script reworked * *Added translations for the plugin: *Arabic [ar]; *Bulgarian [bg]; *Bengali [bn]; *Czech [cs]; *German [de]; *Greek (modern) [el]; *English [en]; *Spanish [es]; *French [fr]; *Hebrew (modern) [he]; *Hindi [hi]; *Italian [ti]; *Japanese [ja]; *Korean [ko]; *Dutch [nl]; *(Eastern) Punjabi [pa]; *Polish [pl]; *Portuguese [pt]; *Romansh [ro]; *Russian [ru]; *Swedish [sv]; *Turkish [tr]; *Ukrainian [uk]; *Chinese [zh]; = 1.0 = *Release Date - January 2017